Personal Development

How to Fit Personal Development into your Busy Schedule #104

Where will you be one year from now if you do not develop your skills? 

Many people, especially entrepreneurs seeking to grow their ventures are busy focusing on the needs of everyone else before their own. 


“In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs.”


Every time I hear this message when traveling with a child or loved one, I find it counterintuitive. Today, think of this phrase in relation to yourself and your business. Employees need training, customers need attention, and business operations must be smooth – where is the time to start building up your personal and professional skills? How can you ‘secure your mask first’ before you assist others?


For the business to grow, you need to consistently develop yourself as a business owner. Let’s explore these four strategies to help you make personal development a priority, no matter how busy you are.


1. Understand your Purpose


Reflect on your skills and what you are doing for your business. Are there things that you do to make a positive difference that extends beyond making money? Connect with your purpose, and you will begin to take steps to build yourself so that you can fulfill that purpose. This will help you choose self-development activities with a personal sense of meaning.


2. Consider the Alternative


Look back at your position exactly one year before today. How has your business grown? What transformational success did you experience? As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for managing your destiny. Take a critical look at where you will be next year if you continue doing exactly what you are doing today. Exponential results require intentional efforts.


3. Set a Specific Personal Development Annual Goal


Your personal development requires a structure or plan. What skills do you need to build on and how much time can you devote to building these skills? Write down a major goal you want to achieve over the next 12 months, and break it down further into tasks that you can achieve each month. Make sure that these tasks are realistic so that you do not push them to the backburner.


4. Take Advantage of Podcasts and Audiobooks


Even with the busiest schedule, there are pockets in the day where you can increase your learning. Podcasts or audiobooks can fill in these pockets of time, and help you grow your mind. What do you listen to during your commute to work? Or first thing in the morning when you are getting dressed? Even having a podcast play in the background can help connect learning with your subconscious mind, so that you absorb information even when you are not working.


The world is constantly changing, and as an entrepreneur, you need to keep up. Your personal development should be a priority. 

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