Category Personal Leadership

How to discover the real you

[video_player type=”youtube” youtube_show_title_bar=”Y” style=”1″ dimensions=”560×315″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ border_color=”#fefdc1″ ipad_color=”black”]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9DdjlLN0x1QTZyaw==[/video_player]   During the virtual live virtual mentoring call I had last month, one of the questions I was asked was how to discover the real you.   What…

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How to double the books you read in 2018

    [video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” style=”1″ dimensions=”640×360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ ipad_color=”black”]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9zQnhKbGdId2VkSQ==[/video_player] In this video, I cover: how to double or even triple the number of books you can read this year. how to develop mastery in a subject…

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