
How an Accountability Partner can Accelerate Your Success #102

“Momentum solves 80% of your problems.”

How consistent is your momentum?

 Are all your goals, and their action plans, on track for success?

 Do you occasionally ‘fall off the wagon’ with your most audacious goals?

 Accountability means taking responsibility for your actions. Personal accountability refers to your ability to evaluate your own performance and take steps for improvement. An accountability partner is a peer with similar experience or who faces the same challenges, who helps ensure that you stay on track.

I know entrepreneurs who set bold goals, with every intention of meeting them. However, the road to meeting bold goals can be challenging, and when things get tough, setting goals appear to become less of a priority. 

Reasons why an accountability partner can accelerate your success and help you meet your goals.


1. Provide Honest and Constructive Feedback

 As an entrepreneur tasked with making tough decisions, you need brutal honesty and constructive feedback. An accountability partner should possess some of the qualities that you lack, and be open to sharing insights with you, even when the insights are uncomfortable. This will help you make more informed decisions.


2. Helps you Stay on Track with your Goals

 The ups and downs of your daily activities should not reduce the momentum you need to meet your goals. Accountability partners will remind you of the objectives you want to meet, and why your journey to meet your goals is important. A business peer will also offer you suggestions or advice that can help you fulfill your goal milestones.


3. They Celebrate Your Success with You

 Entrepreneurs are expected to be winners. When you win as an entrepreneur, you often give yourself a pat on the back and keep going. Yet, celebrating your wins is key to keeping you motivated. An excellent person to share your wins, achievements, success, and happiness with is your accountability partner. They understand your journey and will heartily encourage and celebrate you.


 Your accountability partner should do the following: –

 –   Brainstorm ideas and goals and help you affirm an approach to achieve them.

–   Consistently check in to ensure that you are on track.

–   Encourage you to overcome roadblocks and explore other avenues.

–   Help you break your goal down into steps or milestones you can celebrate.


At the end of this year, I would like for you to look back and tell yourself – YES!! I did it – I have exceeded my own expectations. 

Join a community of High Achievers and get the opportunity of being paired with an exceptional accountability partner at the next High Achiever’s Monthly session. Register today.

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