How to Eliminate Procrastination that Stops You from Accomplishing More #52

“He who thinks too much about every step he takes will always stay on one leg” Chinese Proverb 

How is procrastination preventing you from accomplishing what you set out to achieve this year?

Procrastination is simply putting off what you can do today tomorrow.  The journal – Psychology Today explains that procrastination starts with a simple choice between working now on a given project and doing anything else: working on a different project, doing something fun or doing nothing at all. The decision to work on something is driven by how much you value accomplishing the project in that moment – what psychologists call its subjective value. And procrastination, in psychological terms, is what happens when the value of doing something else outweighs the value of working now.

There are 2 ways I often utilize eliminate procrastination and will like to share that with you.

  • 3 way planning – I learnt this from one of my mentors, and it has helped me with amazing results.  How do you plan your goals.  3 way planning involves:
    • Weekly review – This is done at the end or beginning of your week.I usually review the previous week and plan for the following week on Sundays.By taking about an hour each week, I review my intentions and ensure it aligns with the major projects I am working on which in turn aligns with my strategic goals and roles
    • Evening before planning – This is done the evening before, where you spend about 30 minutes thinking about the following day, what and why you need to do what you plan to do.
    • Morning planning – This exercise has been extremely useful to me, and it takes about 20 minutes before you start your day.  A question I have learned to ask myself is – How can my day be most productive and fulfilling?
  • Accountability – This is about being accountable to a person or people – your coach, accountability partner (AP) etc who are committed to your success.  I feel that being accountable to someone or people is most important.  My AP(Catherine) and I to check in weekly with our previous week’s review and learning as well as the upcoming week plans.  This is what helps moves the needle the most.  You know, you can have things all planned out, but things get in the way and you could easily become distracted. This is especially as it may be a task which you have not done before, but you know completing this project will take you to your next level. But because I know I have a check in on Monday, I have to ensure I have moved forward with the goals I had the week before.


Do not let procrastination rob you of completing the projects you know you must complete by the year-end


Question: How is procrastination preventing you from accomplishing what you set out to achieve this year? 

Leave your comments below.






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