How to Stay Focused and Avoid Distraction #98

It takes 23 minutes to get back on track once you experience interruption or distraction.


In the perfect world, you would start your day with a checklist, go through each item, and complete the day feeling fully productive. However, there are a myriad of distractions that could get you off track. A phone notification, a quick chat with a colleague, or hours on social media – there are plenty of distractions that could affect your productivity.


Check out these five tips to help you stay focused while you are working.


1.  Put your phone on silent 

As an entrepreneur, your phone is a lifeline and an essential tool for communication. It may also lead to massive distractions. Switch off the ringer and vibrate on your phone and put it away when you need to get something done. With your phone beside you, you may take to constantly checking for messages, or anticipating calls. This causes anxiety which affects your overall focus.


2. Create a To-Do List 

Set the tone for what you want to accomplish through the day. A to-do list allows you to prioritize urgent matters and helps prevent the panic that comes with forgetting to get something done.


3. Set one to three goals for the day

Each day, have one important goal that you need to achieve. This keeps you on target, and once you meet the goal, you experience joy and a feeling of productivity that will keep you going.


4. Work in blocks 

Give each task on your list a block of time. One-hour blocks are excellent, and once you have completed the hour, you can give yourself a break as a reward. This will help you maintain focus on a specific task, without experiencing mental fatigue.


5. Plan for your distractions 

Avoid totally resisting your distractions as this could backfire and cause even more frustration. Instead, plan for your distractions. Set aside time to check your phone, chat with a colleague, or answer notifications on your communication devices.



With productivity, prevention is better than correction. Choose to stay focused from the start to completion of a task and you will get more done, in less time, and with better results. 

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