
Master Your Distractions and Meet Your Goals

How often do you start your day with the intention to stay on task?

How often are you successful with that intention?

Throughout the day, there are so many ways that you can get distracted. Your phone may have a notification that you feel you must attend to. A pop-up message from your favorite social media network may reveal a long-lost friend reaching out to say hello. Or you may even be daydreaming about all the things you need to get done, and how they are starting to pile up.

‘Successful people know they need to get many things done – and done effectively. Therefore, they concentrate their time and energy on doing one thing at a time – and on doing first things first.’

Peter Drucker

These three proven strategies will help you reclaim your focus and master your distractions.

1. Create a distraction-free environment

Begin by identifying what distracts you through your working day. If your distractions come from your computer and various alerts, make use of website blocker apps, or put your computer in focus mode. Your desk may be cluttered with files, stationery, sticky notes, and more. Take time to clear your workspace so that you begin each day with absolute focus. Invest in noise-canceling headphones to block out any sounds that affect your concentration.

2. Focus on one thing at a time

A Harvard study reveals that 46.9% of people spend their waking hours thinking about something other than what they are doing. Imagine what that means when you are working towards finishing a certain task within a set time. Being aware of this makes it possible for you to stop your mind from wandering mid-task so that you can redirect your thinking to what needs to be done.

3. Develop concentration as a skill

Any serious athlete looking to win in their category will emphasize the importance of practice. Take on the same approach when you seek to master your distractions. Try meditation to help you build your ability to focus and let go of anxious or negative emotions. Another technique is time allocation where you have periods allocated to focus on a specific task. During this period, all external distractions are eliminated and all energy goes toward the task.

When distracted, take a moment to think about why you set the goal that you want to meet. Understanding the bigger picture will help keep you on track. For additional support, register to participate in the next High Achiever’s Monthly Session. These sessions bring together like-minded entrepreneurs who are on an action-based journey to achieve success.

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