One Strategy to Help Accomplish Your Weekly Goals #60

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” – Leonardo da Vinci
I attended a goal setting workshop and I am always amazed with new learnings in a subject that I think I am rather proficient in.  That’s why the saying goes that you can never know it all.  There is always an opportunity to learn something new even in areas that you are proficient in.  The trainer taught around 7 important steps in reaching your weekly goals, one of which I will like to share with you today – The mid-week check in.

I am sure you know that your goals be it annual, monthly, weekly and daily must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.  You must also write them down so you can see them on a regular basis.  The goals set in your head do not count.  Make the effort to write them down.

The mid-week check in on a Wednesday is a time to pause and see how you are doing.  You set aside 5 -15 minutes on Wednesday (or your mid-week) to step out of the week and look back in.  You reconnect with your original list of weekly  goals and activities (I am assuming you already plan your week in advance) and examine how you are doing on these.  See if you are on track or not; see if you need to get more focused; see if you are doing what you said you would; see if you need to do something differently.  By slowing down for just a few minutes, you can identify how your week is going.  This short but important activity can have a powerful impact on how your week will eventually pan out.

I believe this is a powerful activity, because I know from experience, that often times, I may forget what I had planned to do for the week due to an unplanned activity or a distraction, and then the week becomes rather unproductive.  But by taking time out on Wednesday to go back to my list, it forces me to do a reset and focus on achieving the things I set out to accomplish in the remaining 3 days of the week.
I encourage you to put a system and process in place to ring-fence (where possible) a time on Wednesday when you will get this done. Don’t leave it to chance. Schedule when you will do it.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, take a few minutes and see how you can accomplish what you planned to get done for the remainder of the week.
Make the rest of the week, a most productive one!

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