Self Discipline – Master or Slave? #64

“The first and best victory is to conquer self.”— Plato Greek Philosopher

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do the thing you should do even if you do not feel like doing it and without anyone making you to do it.

This is an area where most people struggle with, including me.  I doubt one can truly say they have mastered the art of self-discipline but I believe this is an ongoing process and we continue to work on it. We gradually build mastery as small victories are attained.  I have made it a priority to be a master in self- discipline. Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher and poet said while mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.  This is the power to accomplish the things one desires to do, which in turn gives the greatest satisfaction.

According to Merrier-Webster dictionary, a master is one having authority over another: rulergovernor; one that conquers. A slave is one held in servitude as the chattel of another; one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence.

How can we work towards being a master at self-discipline? I believe there are 2 major ways to achieving self discipline.

  • Make a quality decision to make mastering self-discipline a goal and a priority
  • Start somewhere and take baby steps to achieving this goal. Rome was not build in a day.

I was reading a blog recently that made so much sense. I just realized that self discipline is already is at work in many areas of my life (I am sure in yours as well). Self discipline is at work when

  • I say no to more food when I am already full
  • I put myself on a monthly spending plan and not spend more than what I earn.
  • I decide to fast on a regular basis – when I command myself not to eat for a period of time for spiritual purposes
  • I say no to a particular food because I have been eating too much of it and somehow lose control of saying no to it. I have recently put myself on a temporary ban on peanuts.  I was amazed that even though I had a full bottle of peanuts in the house, I just said no to eating it for 4 days.
  • I decide to finally start writing a blog and just sat down, opened my laptop and started writing one word after another.

It finally dawned on me that self discipline is not some grandiose and complicated art.  We are already self-disciplined in one or more areas of our lives. It is very possible to continue growing in self discipline.  Like a trainer who trains daily for several minutes on a body part daily to build muscle, so it is with self discipline- A little application every day, no matter how small. What is amazing is that it is such an exhilarating experience once you finally get started on the set task.

How have you mastered or not mastered the art of self-discipline in your life?

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