Better Leader

Three Ways to Become a Better Leader #89

“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position.” —Brian Tracy

Anyone can start a business today, whether or not they possess what it takes to run a successful venture. However, leading people to success requires a unique set of skills and an innate drive to go beyond expectations. Leadership skills define the difference between an average and a successful professional business owner. Yes, you can create a business and have it up and running, or you can push to have a successful, scalable business and overcome all types of challenges.

As Warren Bennis said, “The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born”. You can build up leadership skills and become the type of leader that inspires, motivates, and drives people forward.

Why are leadership skills essential?

Mastering leadership skills brings forth specific virtues, among them the need to work well in teams without subjecting them to dictatorship. As a passionate professional, you must embrace your rights and responsibilities as a leader. With the right skills, you will always be able to get the job done. These essential skills include: –

           ·         The ability to delegate tasks appropriately.

           ·         Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your team.

           ·         Strategizing to overcome project challenges.

           ·         Adequate wisdom to solve problems so that everyone wins.

Here are three practical steps that you can take today, to become a better leader:

    1.   Engage in honest and open communication.

Communication is vital when a team is working towards the same goals and objectives. The most remarkable element of being an effective leader is maintaining an honest and open line of communication with your employees or team members. It starts with you ensuring that you maintain the highest levels of integrity and objectivity when communicating. Make honesty and ethical conduct critical values in your business, and your team will emulate them. 

  2.  Connect with every team member.

Leadership requires you to have an intricate understanding of your team, from the member with a minor role to the member with the most responsibility.  Each of them has a significant role to play in the success of your project or business. Take time to understand work challenges or barriers that may hinder excellent performance so that you can deal with them effectively. 

A leader must have compassion, positivity, empathy, and humility to drive their strength of character. Emulating these traits makes it possible to transform your team members into the successful resources you have envisioned.

3.  Engage in the professional and personal growth of your employees.

As an effective leader, you want to become your team’s best cheerleader. Therefore, take part in their growth and success. Push them every day to become better and support them whenever there is a need. Furthermore, set goals and offer rewards that can encourage your team to push themselves further. Identify opportunities to increase their capacity for work through training, and make sure they have access to these opportunities.

As a leader, grand gestures may seem like the way to go, such as a big bonus at the end of the year or promotions for excellent performers. However, a compelling angle to explore is to amplify and celebrate the small wins that the team achieves. In this way, every person understands that their contribution is appreciated.

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